Trading Center

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023


Getting the Pet of your dreams just got easier with the Trading Center! Trade with others at the Trading Center!   

Create a Trade


To create a new Trade, step on any circle at the Trading Center and tap the “My Trades” Tab >> Create Trade.  

Trades can be created once every 12 hours.  

Create a trade by selecting items that you want to trade away. You can offer a maximum of 2 items via the Trading Center. Items selected to trade away are immediately removed from your inventory. Tapping “Cancel” will cancel the trade and return the untraded items back into your inventory. 

Now select items you want to trade for, in the same screen. You can select a maximum of 2 items to trade for. Any trade created via the Trading Center expires in 48 hours.  

How it works: When Player A initiates a trade (puts item(s) up for trade and asks for something(s) in return)... if that trade is then accepted by Player B, when Player A completes that trade, they will see a countdown timer if they initiated the trade less than 12 hours before completion

i.e. Player A can only make successful trade initiations every 12 hours

The player can choose to cancel a trade they have initiated and put up a new trade as often as they like 

Find a Trade 

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To find a trade, step on a circle and tap the Find Trade button >> Search. A great tip is to search by broader keywords rather than a specific one.  

Make a Trade 


When you find an offer you like, make the trade by selecting the item from your inventory. Tap Confirm to complete the trade. Once the trade is completed, there is a cool-down time of 12 hours before you can create another trade via the Trading Center.   

Trading History


View your Trading History at the Trading Center! To do so, head over to the trading center >> step on any circle >> Trade History Tab  

Trade History Screen displays the last 60 trades made including the ones done outside the Trading Center   

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