Trading symbol
Trading screen
Trading is a way of exchanging pets with another player in RoPets.
Here are the steps to follow to trade an item with another player on RoPets.
- To begin trading with someone, approach a player and click on the green double arrow icon that will show up when you approach them. This will open the Trading Menu. You are now ready to start a trade.
- Start a trade by tapping on the green “+” sign and select the items you would like to offer to the other player. You can trade up to 6 items total.
- They will receive a trade request, which they can choose to either accept or decline. If they choose to accept, both players enter the trading menu.
- Each player can add an item by clicking the green "+" icon and selecting the item they want to trade.
- Clicking on an item in the trade menu removes it from the trade.
- When trade begins, a counter in the bottom right corner of the menu begins counting from 5, and every time a player puts a new item or removes one, the timer resets.
- This cool-down prevents users from accidentally accepting a trade after items are removed, added, or replaced.
- When the countdown ends, it turns into a green 'accept' button, and both parties then need to press it for the trade to be successful.
- If any of the two users leave the game or select the red 'decline' button at any time during the trade, it will not go through.
Managing Trade Permissions

Manage your trades via the settings button (gear icon) in your Backpack. You can toggle trade permissions from this menu. They can be set to:
- Everyone - this means you are able to receive trade requests from everyone
- Friends - this means you are able to receive trade requests from your Roblox Friends
- No One - this means that you are not available to trade with anyone
Even when you pick no one, if another player in the game has selected different permission that allows you to trade with them, you will be able to send them a trade request but it would not work vice versa.