Unlocking Recipe Mastery allows you to begin working towards Mastery stars by cooking a recipe a certain number of times. Mastery stars will apply bonus benefits to your dishes such as 10% more coins from serving or 10% faster to cook. Recipe Mastery unlocks at level 34.
Once Recipe Mastery unlocks, tapping on a stove will show the mastery stars across the top of each dish. Before any stars are earned, the stars will appear greyed out, as stars are earned they will appear gold.
Tapping on the question mark next to the stars will open the star menu which tells you how many more dishes you need to cook to earn your next star and also the bonus earned by each star.
As you earn stars, you can see at a glance the bonus’ you have already unlocked. Continue to cook the dish to earn more stars.
Once you have earned 3 stars on a particular recipe, that recipe is fully mastered and all three bonus’ will apply.