Product Mastery

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Want a little extra for all your hard work? Reach level 20 to unlock Product Mastery and begin earning rewards!

Unlocking Product Mastery allows you to begin working towards Mastery stars which will apply bonus benefits to your products such as more coins when using a product to complete a job and a shorter time to produce the product.

Once Product Mastery is unlocked, tapping on a workstation will show a yellow star above the product image. Tapping this star will show how many stars you have currently obtained and also how many more of the product you need to produce to unlock the next product.


The first requirement of Product Mastery is to produce the product a certain number of times. Once the required number of products have been produced the upgrade becomes available for purchase.


Tap to Upgrade and the required currency will be subtracted from your totals. Available upgrades must be purchased before counting can begin towards the next upgrade.

Tapping on the stars will show you the benefits of mastering that particular upgrade.

The product mastery upgrade system is additive - each new benefit unlocked will be applied in addition to the previous benefit. Once you have earned 5 stars on any product, that product is fully mastered.

Available upgrades are indicated by a green arrow shown when the workstation is tapped.


After a certain number of stars are acquired on products at a workstation, the workstation will visually upgrade.

Token and Neighborhood Events

Upgraded regular items that participate in events will give extra points to the event order score. The extra value will show up between brackets on the event order board. 

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