Pet Needs

4 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

All Pet Needs show up on the top center of your game from time to time. Satisfy needs to gain XP and grow your pets! 


All pets have two kinds of needs. Basic Needs and Location Needs. 

Basic Needs  

RoPets, like any other pet, get hungry, thirsty, need a bath from time to time, and also need to rest. Basic Needs are indicated in blue and Other Needs are indicated in red. Basic Needs can be satisfied easily around the RoPets world. Read on to find out how to keep your pets happy and healthy. 

Thirst & Hunger

When your Pet is hungry or thirsty, the above two icons will appear indicating that it is time to feed or offer a drink to your pet. 

There are many ways to satisfy hungry and thirsty pets. You can find food & drink in the Food Shop, Gym and at the Cafe. Head over to any of these buildings to get your pet some food or drink. 

Plenty of food is available around the RoPets world - does your pet love fruits and vegetables to eat and perhaps some chocolate milk to drink? Then head to the Food Shop! If your pet prefers a donut with coffee or a cupcake, then the Cafe is the place for you! All food and drink in the game is available for coins. 

When you purchase food or drink, it goes into your backpack under the Food and Drink tab. Tapping the Go To Shop always takes you to the Food Shop. 


Another way to get to the Food Shop is by tapping on the need to activate the in-game GPS. Just follow the arrows to make your way to your favorite food and drink!


You can also feed your pets by tapping on them (or pressing E) followed by Feed. This action unzips your backpack to the Food & Drink Tab. If you have supplies, you can satisfy your pets’ Hunger and Thirst needs anywhere in the world directly from your backpack! 




All pets need their rest and energy to be able to play and run about the RoPets World. Every once in a while, they will let you know they need to rest by the Zzzs icon in the game. When this happens, take your pet to a pet bed to allow them to catch some Zzzs. 


A few ways to find the pet bed are: 

  • Tap on the ZZzs Icon to activate the in-game GPS and follow directions to a Pet Bed 
  • Pet beds can be found in the Cafe and also in your house in the Neighborhood. 

Healthy pets are happy pets! Your pet will let you know when they are feeling under the weather by the cross icon (shown above). Look after them when they are sick by taking them to the healing pool. 


Cross the wooden bridge and head for the Zen Arch to find the Healing Pool. The Lotus-shaped pool with healing properties nurses your pet back to good health in no time! 


All the running around can make your Pet quite dirty! Once in a while, your pet requests that you give them a good bath via the Dirt Splat icon. To satisfy this need, head over to the Pet Shop to bathe your pet. Another place you can bathe your pet is in your own home in the Neighborhood. 


Other Needs 

Sometimes, your Pets will request that you take them to a location or a building within the game. These types of needs pop up in Red and can be fulfilled by spending some time within the building or the location requested by your pet. Your pet may request to spend time in the Park, at the Cafe, or play in the Obby. You can tap on the Need to activate the GPS location and follow the arrows to your destination or the Teleport button inside your Backpack. 

You can tell that your need is being fulfilled when you see your Red icon turning Green. When it turns completely green and then disappears, it means that your need is fulfilled. It also works the same way for Basic Needs. 



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