Pet Interactions

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023


Your Pets love to interact with you! Tap on your Pet to open up the Pet interaction menu. 



Let your RoPet stand out from the crowd - Dress up your pets by tapping on your pet followed by the Customize Button. This brings up the Customize Screen. From here, you can try out and buy any items and accessories you think your pet would look great in! You can also change the name of your pet from this Customize Menu. 



Tap on the Feed button to feed your pet. This unzips your backpack to the food and drink tab. If you already have some food stocked up, you can feed your pet wherever you are in the game.

If you do not have any food in your backpack, tap the + button to teleport over to the Food Shop and get your pet something to eat and drink. To know more about feeding your pet check out the Hunger & Thirst Section of the guide.



Did you know your pets can sport some cool moves? To check out their dance moves, tap on the pet followed by the Dance button. 



The Ride interaction is a premium interaction available in Pet interaction Menu and is locked by default. A pet can be made permanently rideable by unlocking the Ride interaction for gems. This interaction needs to be separately unlocked for each and every pet. If any of the pets used for evolution already have the Ride (or fly) interaction unlocked, this interaction automatically transfers to the evolved pet. 



The Fly interaction is another premium interaction available for pets and this is locked by default. A pet can be made permanently flyable by unlocking the Fly interaction for gems. This interaction needs to be unlocked separately for each and every pet. If any of the pets used for evolution already have the Fly interaction unlocked, this interaction automatically transfers to the evolved pet. 

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