Your Neighborhood club’s skill in events is ranked by League and neighborhoods will be matched with competitors based on their club league rank.
There are 4 leagues in total - Starter, Sapphire, Ruby, and Diamond. The highest-ranking leagues win the best final event prizes!
New neighborhoods will automatically start in the lowest league and then advance, based on the club’s event performance. As your neighborhood participates and ranks well in events, your league ranking will increase. If your club does badly in events, your league ranking will decrease. Changes in league ranking will happen at the end of each event, and will only apply to neighborhoods that qualified for the event.
Displaying Your Neighborhood League Rank
Your Neighborhood's league rank is displayed at the Event Plaza entrance. The higher your league, the more impressive your entrance display will be.
Neighborhood league rankings are also shown on the neighborhood search.
League Ranking
To advance in leagues, neighborhoods must accumulate league points. League points are given out at the end of each event and the amount is based on your final club ranking.
At the end of the event after having collected the event reward, the league ranking will appear. League points are awarded you will see your current ranking and see whether your neighborhood ranked up or down.
Qualifying for Events
The number of orders that are required to qualify for the neighborhood end reward, will vary based on which league a neighborhood is in. Higher leagues will require more points to qualify since the final event prizes are better as neighborhoods go up in league.
League Rewards
The higher the league, the better the final event rewards! It pays off for your neighborhood club to advance in rank.
Trophies will be earned for the top spots and will be unique to each league. The higher the league, the more impressive the trophy!