Multiple Layouts

3 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Multiple Layouts is a feature in Food Street which allows you to save multiple restaurants and switch between them whenever you want! Multiple layouts unlock at level 22. Upon reaching level 22, a pop-up will appear with a tutorial on how to use multiple layouts at your restaurant.

New Layout Button: A layout button appears in the bottom right corner when viewing edit mode.

Each player starts with two unlocked layouts slots (your current layout and + extra one). Clicking the layout button brings up the layout menu.

Layouts Menu

From here you can select between different layouts by clicking the images of the layout, then selecting any of the following:

Set as Active Button: sets the layout to your current layout (this is also the layout visitors will see when visiting).

Set as active can only be done if the layout is valid (all essentials items have been placed down into your layout).

Edit Layout Button: To edit the selected layout

  • If you tap the Done button after editing and the layout is not valid, a message will pop up to let you know that the layout is not yet valid.​

*An invalid layout cannot be set to active and will have a “!” on the layout slot as in the photo above.

Copy Layout button: Duplicate the currently selected layout to another slot.

  • Upon tapping the “copy layout” button, your other available slots get highlighted and you can now choose which one to copy the layout to.​
  • A Cancel button also appears at the bottom of the message.​

Naming Layouts

To name a layout, tap on the name label underneath each unlocked slot.

You will then use your device keyboard to enter the layout name.

Valid/Invalid layouts

A layout is deemed invalid if key items have not been placed down.

Key items are:​​

  • Stoves
  • Farm plots
  • Trees/bushes
  • Trophy cabinet
  • Food counter
  • Pantry
  • Fridge

Storing all items

In layout mode, there is a “store all button”. It only appears when you are editing INACTIVE layouts.

If you attempt to store all, there will be a warning:


When does the Multiple Layouts feature unlock?

Level 22

How many layouts are available?

Three, but we may have more in the future

Why does it not allow me to set my layout as active?

You may see a warning message. This is to alert you that you are missing a key item and the layout will be set once the layout is valid.

Can I treat my restaurant layouts as separate parallel restaurants?

The feature allows you to have different layouts of restaurants and you can only have one active. So no, you won’t be able to, for example, have all your trees in one layout and all your stoves in another because these are all essential items and all must be present in any layout that you want to set as active.

Can I work on my layout and save it halfway without losing progress or making it active?

Yes of course! You will get a warning message when you try to exit the layout, but just tap “OK” here and the layout will be saved; you will be able to resume editing this layout again later.

Can all purchased items be used in both layouts?

Yes! All purchased items can be used in both layouts.

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