March 7th: Update

1 min. readlast update: 03.07.2024
  • 🍩 Flying Donut vehicle
  • 🌭 Flying Hot Dog vehicle
  • 🌮 Flying Taco vehicle
  • 🍿 Flying Popcorn vehicle
  • 💩 Duckling Pet Poo (seasonal)
  • 🎥 Updated Movie Emotes


Flying Vehicles

Taco… Thursday!? Get popping and visit the Vehicle Shop to get 4 delicious and brand-new permanent flying vehicles:

  • 🌮 Flying Taco
  • 🌭 Flying Hotdog
  • 🍿 Flying Popcorn
  • 🍩 Flying Donut

These vehicles are permanent and fully color-customizable. Each fits 1 person and pet.

Duckling Poo

Seasonal Ducking is now available! Leaves April 18th. 


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