In-Game Chat Features

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Chat Tags 

When people talk in the Chat you will notice some have special tags with their names. Joining the Roblox Supersolid Group automatically awards you a SuperPal Chat Tag in the RoPets Roblox Experience.  

Lady Mayor - orange chat tag. 

Development team. Head of Social Media, Community & Player Support for all Supersolid Roblox and Mobile games.  


Community Rockstar - yellowish orange Chat tag

Social Media & Community team (not RoPets Development team but employees of Supersolid).  



Happiness Hero - yellowish orange chat tag

Player Support. (not RoPets Development team but employees of Supersolid.)  



🦊More coming soon 

Influencer Squad - pink chat tag

Any RoPets Community members that are part of our RoPets Influencer Squad.  

Fashion Expert - purple chat tag 

Super Pal - light yellow chat tag

Any Community member that plays RoPets and has joined the Supersolid Roblox Group 

Apart from the Chat Tags, you’ll also notice a few improvements in the font type, color, and size within the in-game chat, making it easier to read and chat with your friends!  

Welcome Message  


Every time a player joins RoPets, there’s a Welcome greeting from the RoPets team. This message will change on occasion or additional messages may be added. 

More Improvements to the in-game chat coming soon!    

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