How to Report A Player to Roblox

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Please make sure to first check the following Roblox guides: 

How to Report Rule Violations - Reporting a user in-game (

How to Block Another User (

Send a report to Roblox

You can use the Roblox Report Abuse feature in a game to report the specific chat or other content that violates Roblox rules directly to Roblox. Please make sure you are reporting this from between the game, as that will give Roblox access to the reported player information. 

  1. Select the menu button (Roblox logo), located at the upper left of the screen. 
  2. Select the flag icon located next to a user's name, or select the Report tab at the top of the menu.  
  3. For Game or Player? select the Player tab.
  4. Select the Which Player pull-down menu, and find the username to report.
  5. Select the Type of Abuse pull-down menu, and find the inappropriate action.
  6. Select Submit to finalize.

Roblox Support will investigate and come to a decision based on their policies. 

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